Online ad posting jobs strategy.

Today ad posting job is one of the famous home based online part time job. It is so easy that everyone can do without having great knowledge in internet. Here in no need have startling academic degree, only needs basic knowledge of computer and internet. Here is much number of genuine ad posting job companies over there. You can start your job by joining with any of them. But it is true that your income amount will be depends on your working strategy.

Almost every ad posting job companies are asking for registration fees. And also they are offering different type of ad posting job schemes depending on registration fees. 
Here an example- 
Registration fees       Earning/ad posting    maximum ad post allowed
  1. $100                        $0.15                      1500 
  2. $150                        $0.20                      1500 
  3. $200                        $0.25                      1500
So, it is clear that you can earn more if you choose the highest scheme. But the problem is all ad posting job companies are following some identical terms and condition which resist you to place ads on all type of classified sites. According to those terms and conditions, you never post ads on forum sites, similar deigned websites, cgi-bin sites, php configuration links site, zero traffic or low traffic websites, etc. 

So, it is too difficult to find 1500 unique free classified site where you can place your ads. Generally you can find 500 to 600 free unique classified. Now, if you have only 500 classified site then your permonth earning will be- $75, $100 and $125 respectively. 
  • If all jobs package are valid for six month then your earning figure after six month will be $450, $600, $750. 
  • So, your net profit after subtracting your investment will be $350 , $450, $550. 

How to earn more by online ad posting jobs:

It is the truth that almost every genuine ad posting job provider companies are following trams & conditions. Beside this you can earn more by making some strategy.  
  1. Find classified sites:  Find at last 600 classified sites (from Google, Yahoo, Msn, Altavista, etc)if you want to do at last 500 correct posting. Because, every month you will do some mistake and also some site will be down.
  2. Purchase more than one ID:  If you purchase more than one ID then you can do 500 correct ad posting in each ID using same classified site. Your income will be multiplied by the numbers of your ID. If you earn $450 from one ID then you can earn $1350 from three ID.
  3. Keep finding classified sites:  Again, every month some free classified site will be lost/down. So, it is better to keep finding teen classified site every day. In this way you can collect almost 300 new site so, you will earn more next month. Here one new site means $0.20*3=$0.6.
  4. Work with all ID every day:  Set your time for ad posting. Suppose you've purchased three ID. Now post 20 ads in morning from one ID. Again post 20 ads in the same site from another ID. It will take hardly 1.5 hours. So, you can easily post 40 ads before office or you regular work. After returning home, post the last 20 ads from rest ID in the same site which you already work at morning. Finally upload them into your company website.
  5. Test different companies: It is not a good plan to purchase all IDs from one companies initially. Keep testing different companies. When you satisfy with a particular companies then you can work for them whole year.
This is a small effort to help those people who wanted to earn from online ad posting job. If you have any quarries then write bellow in comment.

How does a real ad posting job company work?

There are numbers of ad posting job provider companies available on the internet. But the reality is not good for job seekers. Most of online ad posting job provider companies are scams. 

There are only few ad posting companies who relay paid to their employees. Now I am going to discuss on how a genuine ad posting company works. It may help you find a genuine ad posting company.

"Ad posting job" is a much popular online part time job today. It is simply a free classified ad posting work. In this job, a certain ad mater (with a business title and description) will be provided to you to post on different free classified.  

There are probably two types of online ad posting job provider company are available. First who offers to post their own business related ad mater and second, who offers to post other's business related ad mater. Let's discuss-

''Own Business related ad mater" posting companies: (updated)

This type of companies is providing their own business related ad matter to their employees to post on different free classified sites.

Now the question is- How it works? Or, more openly- How this type of companies utilizing their client's ad posting work?   

Here is two awesome ways, by which an real ad posting job company utilize their clients ad posting job. 

No#1. As this type of companies are advertising their own business on thousands of free classified sites through their employees so, they will probably get more customer to their business.

No#2. Companies will get huge traffic to their website from their posted ads. So, if their website containing ad network like Adsense, then the companies will earn more online revenue. Many companies are generating more than INR 4,00,000/- from Adsense.   

Self admater

Note: A genuine online ad posting job Provider Company always has other source of income except AdSense.

''Other's Business related ad mater" posting companies (updated)

This type of companies is providing other's business related ad matter to their employees to post on different free classified sites

Those companies will probably SEO (search engine optimization) companies or they are indirectly related to another SEO company. 

Many SEO companies are doing ad posting for increase SEO.

Many webmasters are promoting their website or businesses through this type of ad posting companies.

Note: Beside this, there are many companies who don't have any definite source to utilize their clients work. They are simply recycling their clients' registration fees. A client will never earn more than their invested amount from here.

Final words:

After going to register for an online job, please verify that the company has any definite source to utilize your work or not. 

Some valuable tips:-
  1. Don't attract with startling offers, be satisfied with reasonable price.
  2. It is better to join paid register companies.
  3. Join with trade mark or government registered companies.

Who should do online part time job?

Online part time job is very popular among the net users as it can be done from home comfort. Growth of online job providing companies is indicating that. This part time job requirement is mostly seen in retired persons, house wives, and students who need some extra money. There are different kinds of online job available in internet.
But people are mostly searching for online-data entry job, ad posting job, survey job, proof reading job etc. All this jobs are very easy and here is no need for high qualification. So,everybody can do this. 

Now if you are thinking to go for an online part time job, then you need to know the reality about online jobs. Lets discuss..

How much revenue does an online part time job employee can make?

This is the most important subject of any job. Because people are doing job only for income. Pert time job is totally different from full time job. According international labor act in full time job an employee should work for eight hour a day. And in part time job an employee should work for 4.5 to 5 hours a day. So, income is also depends on your job type. But here is huge difference between traditional part time job and online part time job. Here is also present many type of risk in online part time job. Thousand of scam online job provider company present in internet. It is very difficult to choose a genuine company. Although you have found a genuine online part time job company it is too difficult to make a decent amount of revenue from that. You can earn maximum 90 to 100 dollar per month from it. Please don't wish for much higher. Not only that maximum genuine ab posting companies are asking for registration fees. So, you have to cover your registration fee first and then you will make profit.

Risk factors:

  1. Online jobs are risky because here you are trusting on a company which you have never seen. 
  2. You don't know, how long you will be paid for your work. 
  3. Perfection of your work depends on companies terms and conditions.
  4. You will not paid until you have reached your target.  
The final word:

This is clear that an online part time job will give you a considerable amount, not so big profit. So, this job is suitable for those people who want to make some wealth from their spear time. It is also necessary to have economical straight to overcome lose. 

Increase your AdSense per-click cost in five ways.

Google AdSense is the best advertising program for monetize websites to all publishers. Per click cost is much higher in AdSense comparing any other advertising program. But it is the fact that every one may not get the highest per click cost in AdSence .

#If you want to get height cost then certainly you have to obey some rule.

Google AdSense program is directly related to Google AdWords. Adsense ads are coming form AdWord.Highest per click cost of Adsense is depends on highest CPC bidding in AdWord for a particular keyword. But a publisher will get the highest cost when a traffic comes form search engine to their website and click AdSence. Other wise per click cost will be much less. 
Let, an advertiser bid highest CPC $6 for a keyword ''House rent''. After that a customer came to a website( containing AdSense) form Google search engine which has a good information about house rent. As AdSense is a contextual advertising program so it is much possible that AdSense displaying ads about house rent in that website. Now if the customer click that ads, then the website owner will get the highest clicking price of $1.62( Google pay 27% of AdWords spending cost to their AdSense publishers ).

#How does Google set maximum and minimum cost of per click? 

Around 70% of Google's income is coming form AdWords. So Google take care very much to their AdWords customers. And for that Google is checking all history behind every click very seriously.

#Here some points.
  1. Traffic: It is most important subject which Google is checking behind every click. If your traffic comes form search engine, then you will get better click rate. Other wise per click rate will much less
  2. Keyword: If your web content is fully related to searching keyword, then you will get better rate for every click. Because AdSense is a keyword related advertising program.
  3. Quality of content: If your website have unique valuable content that describe so much about targeted keywords, then it is better chance to get best price for every click.For more about quality content go here.
  4. Smart pricing: In this part Google teams are analysing every click data. If they found that the clicks come form your website are not really converting into a valuable business results. Then they will reduce AdWords max CPC bid for your site. And so obvious you will get less amount for every single click receive in your website.
What to do ?
  1. Don't generate traffic form low quality network like traffic generating program, traffic exchange program, etc. Always try to send traffic to your website form search engine.
  2. Write keyword based content to attract visitors form search engine. 
  3. Always try to write unique quality contents.
  4. Describe your keywords as much as possible in your content. If you can write a beautiful informative article about "House rent", then it is so much possible for a visitor to click the AdSense to find a House for live.
  5. Write for people, do for people. It would be the best policy.
Note: Not only AdSense, all genuine advertising campaigns are following almost same rule.

Monetize your website or blog without AdSense.

Getting an AdSense account for new websites or blogs is almost impossible. It have to wait for at last 2,000 unique visitor per day. So it would be a long waiting to test some worth. But you still can make some valuable worth form first day by adding a cost per million advertising network into your website.

In cost per million advertising program, you will paid for every thousand impression received by your website.  

Here some ad network who really pay high CPM.

Best and recommended:

Click Booth: It is one of the most famous ad network and providing excellent service for more than six years.
  • Alexa rank-11,813
  • Requirements for approval: Minimum 25,000 page view/month. 
  • payment mode: PayPal,check.
BrustMedia: This company is providing very wide range of advertising topic and best CPM rate.
  • Alexa rank-15,112
  •  Requirements for approval: Minimum 20,000 page view/month.
  • Payment mode:PayPal,check.
GorillaNation: Famous for it's unique ad network. It gives higher CPM rate. But it is for high quality website.
  • Alexa rank-21,908
  • Requirements for approval:Minimum 75,000 to 100,000 unique visitor/month and 75,000 to 1 million page view/month.
  • Payment mode:PayPal,check.Wire transfer.
Real tech Network:  This is almost six years old genuine company.
  • Alexa rank-549,211
  • Requirements for approval:At last 25,000 page view/month and 12,000 unique visitor/month.
  • Payment mode:PayPal,check.Wire transfer. Direct bank transfer available only in USA
Tribal Fusion:One of the most visited advertising network that giving also high CPM rate.
  • Alexa rank-635
  • Requirements for approval: Minimum 500,000 page view/month.
  • Payment mode:PayPal,check.Wire transfer. 
Value Click Media: This is also a high quality ad network.
  • Alexa rank-6,845
  • Requirements for approval: More than 3,000 page view/month
  • Payment mode: PayPal,check. 

Here some instant approve CPM ad network 

  • Alexa rank-74,769
  • Payment mode: PayPal,check 
  • Alexa rank-174
  • Payment mode: PayPal,check.Wire transfer. 
  • Alexa rank-264,835
  • Payment mode: PayPal,check.Wire transfer.
Note: CPM rate is much lower in Instant approve advertising network. 

Google AdWords Express alternatives

Google AdWords Express is the best advertising program to represent your business in your locality. But the problem is this facility is currently not available for all country. Here is the list of those countries where AdWords Express is available.
Here the list- Australia,Brazil,Canada,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,New Zealand,Netherlands,Poland,Spain,United Kingdom, United States, Austria, Czech republic.

Now if you are not in this list, you still can promote your business in your locality with local classified websites. Yes, here you will get almost same(almost, not same) impact comparing AdWords Express. You just need to chose some best local classified website which has highest number of daily visitor. And then put a front page premium ad or right under category ad on it.

Google AdWords Vs Classified advertising


AdWord express
Classified website
Search results
Instantly in top position of Google search engine page.
Lower position in search engine page (depends on popularity of the classified site see picture bellow )
Here you unable to describe your business in details.
Here you can describe your business in details.
Here you unable to give picture of your business.
Here you can upload picture of your business products.
Targeting customers
You can target your customers by only keywords. So, your business will not visible until perfect keywords used.
You can target your customers by keywords (tag).As your business will visible in front page so, it will also visible to all kind of customers.
Your business will visible in Google map.
Depends on availability of map facility.
Cost depends on keywords. Here you can choose only CPC or CPM to set your cost.Visibility of your business will stop after a certain number of clicks or impression received( Depends on your cost setting)
You can generate unlimited numbers of clicks and impression for a certain time period. (It depends on time set up of your premium ads). Ads package is different for different classified sites.
You will have full control to configure your ads.
You can’t configure your ads in classified websites.   

Searching results of keyword Flat in new town-
     In some cases classified websites are best for advertising your business products, but overall AdWords Express is the best. Because almost 95% of internet user are using Google search engine. And also your ads will appear on Google partner's website's(AdSense user website). So, here you will get more traffic in very short of time.

But if AdWords Express is not available in your country, then go with classified websites for promoting your business in your locality.

Here some top classified websites in India:
  1. OLX.IN   Alexa rank in India-36
  2. QUIKR.COM   Alexa rank in India-37
  3. CLICK.IN  Alexa rank in India-181
  4. SULEKHA.COM Alexa rank in India-56

Useful tips to make money with a blog.

It is true that you can make money with a blog by just contributing few hours in a week. But it is also hard truth that thousands of blogger are leaving this field every day. Because they are unable to generate good returns form their blog.Only regular posting and pilling up content is not enough for making a good amount of money with a blog. If you are stating a blog to make some money then you have to follow some rules..

At first we have to know that most of blogger are making six figure dollars using contextual advertising program like AdSense,AdBrite,Click Soor, etc. Honestly it is only contextual advertising program which  can give you much number of click and higher CTR rate.

Here some tips to make money with a blog.

  • Use keywords Contextual advertising program are displaying keyword related ads. Because contextual advertising programs are made for targeting search engine traffic.If most of your traffic comes form search engine using different keywords, then here you will get more click to your contextual ads. For example: suppose you wrote a topic targeting a keyword ''old car''. Then you will get traffic when ever the keyword "old car" will use in search engine (because search engine will show your blog in searching results for that keyword ). And here also contextual advertising program will show ''old car'' related ads. So, here is more chance to get clicks on ads by that customer.
  • Write Unique and keyword related content  Don't write ordinary content. Write keyword related content. A content which describe your targeting keyword is called keyword related content. A keyword related content will give more clicks. Because the content will describe the keywords as well as related contextual ads.
  • Write for others Allows write for your audience. Write those topic which may help others. This is the only process to make an audience coming back. Useful contents can make your blog so popular in very short time.
Note: Using keywords is the only way to make money form a blog using different advertising program. More keyword means more search engine friendly and more clicks to ads.